Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Week of Japanese! :)


Pickard desu. I'm from good old South Bend, Indiana-I was an extreme chicken when it came to going too far away for college. I love Notre Dame! Although I've only been to two whole Japanese classes so far, I'm starting to get really excited for the course! Yes, it'll mean many hours memorizing characters and stroke order but that's okay with me! I've been interested in Japanese culture since I first saw Sailor Moon when I was 6. Now my interests have thankfully grown wider than just cartoons. There's basically 3 things I'm really looking forward to in this class.

1) Learning how to hold a Japanese conversation.
2) Learning enough characters to read and write basic Japanese.
3) Experiencing the culture of Japan.

I hope someday to work for the government or maybe an international company (Nintendo anyone??) in relations with Japan.


  1. Nintendo! sounds おもしろいですね。(interesting)

  2. Nintendo does sound incredibly interesting. One of my childhood aspirations long long ago was to work for that company, but that dream has since faded, unfortunately. Do you plan on studying abroad sometime at your time at Notre Dame?
    And by the by, don't consider yourself a chicken for wanting to stay nearby; it's perfectly normal.

  3. Oh Sailor Moon. I think that was the second anime I had ever seen. Ahh, nostalgia.
    Anyway, I agree with Ayala-san on that account. I personally wanted to get as far away from Vegas as possible for college but that was because there were no good colleges there at all. At least you had the choice of coming to ND and still staying close to your family.

  4. Yeah, I definitely want to study abroad in Japan for a semester, most likely during my junior year so that time is a ways off! Being close to home has its perks for sure. Free laundry! ;) But I'd definitely miss my family and friends way too much to go too far away, I just love Notre Dame.
